Aiden did really well at his appointment with Dr. Beir at the Swartchz Center yesterday. That is his developmental pediatrician. When we first got there he was having a tantrum but then they said we could wach tv in a differnet room and he calmed down so then he was great with the DR! He is 41 pounds and 41 inches! He put 6 pegs in the peg board, and 4 rings on a stick, and a few puzzle pieces in a puzzle. He kept hugging me over and over and was in overall happy/ silly mood and she was happy to see him so affectionate with me and my husband. She said "that is not like most autism pdd." so he did a good job! She wants to go on with the genetics testing (blood work) and when my husband asked what would that do, and it was to rule out other things, and in case if we wanted to not have any more children. That was somewhat rough to hear but I know what she meant.
We had a great vacation "staycation". We saw Thomas at Edaville railroad, went to Plymouth Mass and stayed over night there. We went to the beach, We played minature golf, and saw a ligthhouse! :)

Aiden started the summer program at school and has been on a couple field trips. He went bowling and to another school to see a reptile show, He also goes swimming in the kiddie pools at school. He is doing pretty well adjusting at school with the new teachers and aides.
Here's a couple pictures from our vacation!